Proposal writing is not about coming up with the most impressive and clever writing. Rather it is about racking up points on the evaluators’ score sheet, and thereby winning. Pretty prose impresses English teachers, but data rack up those winning points.
Read MorePeople got problems. People got needs. People buy stuff to meet their needs and solve the problems in their lives. When you are marketing your services, you must know your customer’s needs and connect the benefits of your offering to meeting them.
Read MoreSuccessful football teams have a strong organizational structure where various squads (offense, defense, special teams) know the game plan and their part in executing on it. Likewise, proposal teams have groups of experts, writers and pricers that all need to understand the win plan and their part. This plan is usually communicated through a proposal kick-off meeting. Our guest blogger, David Christovich, lays out some of the critical aspects of a successful proposal kick-off.
Read MoreTurning out excellent proposals can stress out the staff a resources of small businesses. Let ZK Development Solutions take on some of your proposal tasks to make better use of scarce staff time and provide you with an expert outside perspective. We can up your win rate with
Read MoreProposal managers—how do you keep from losing your mind during the fourth quarter procurement madness? How do you keep from getting buried beneath the edits, conflicting reviewer feedback while keeping your writers from the window ledge after the review meeting?
Read MoreWhat is a reasonable proposal percentage win rate (pwin)? If you tell your boss that you can equal Bryce Harper’s best year (31%) would that make her happy?
Read MoreAnyone who has been in this business awhile has a horror story about a small compliance error that sunk an otherwise valiant effort.
Don’t let an excellent solution go to waste because of compliance issues.
Read MoreThis month’s guest blogger, David Christovich, lays out a thorough process for pre-solicitation opportunity assessment.
Read MoreWhile there are no magic bullets in capture management and strategic proposal planning, the consistent winners all have one thing in common. The story starts with the U.S. Army looking for a new strategic bomber more than 80 years ago.
Read MoreIs there a way to reduce the angst of a first draft that falls short? Well yes, there is. But it takes a bunch of work at the front end to provide the team strong direction based on clear and relevant win themes.
Read MorePartnerships come with trade-offs between autonomy and presenting the strongest team. There are lots of angles to cover, but three upsides and three downsides stand out for me.
Read MoreIn this interview with international business expert, speaker and social media marketing influencer, Akia Garnett, I provide tips on shaping products and services to meet federal standards, establishing a lead generation process, writing proposals to meet the unique requirements of a scope of work, and what to do when you finally land the contract.
Read MoreYour company provides something of value. But why is it of value? How does it help the buyer solve a problem? Dozens (maybe hundreds) of other companies sell the same service that you do. Successful vendors identify a “unique selling proposition." That simply means, what are you willing to do for your customer that your competitors either can’t or won’t? The real question is, how are you different?
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