Want to win? Prove it!

Proposal writing is not about coming up with the most impressive and clever writing. Rather it is about racking up points on the evaluators’ score sheet, and thereby winning. Pretty prose impresses English teachers, but data rack up those winning points.

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A Killer Proposal Starts with a Kickbutt Kick-Off

Successful football teams have a strong organizational structure where various squads (offense, defense, special teams) know the game plan and their part in executing on it. Likewise, proposal teams have groups of experts, writers and pricers that all need to understand the win plan and their part. This plan is usually communicated through a proposal kick-off meeting. Our guest blogger, David Christovich, lays out some of the critical aspects of a successful proposal kick-off.

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Think BIG about the Federal Contracting Space

In this interview with international business expert, speaker and social media marketing influencer, Akia Garnett, I provide tips on shaping products and services to meet federal standards, establishing a lead generation process,  writing proposals to meet the unique requirements of a scope of work, and what to do when you finally land the contract. 

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Brand Proposition

Your company provides something of value. But why is it of value? How does it help the buyer solve a problem? Dozens (maybe hundreds) of other companies sell the same service that you do. Successful vendors identify a “unique selling proposition." That simply means, what are you willing to do for your customer that your competitors either can’t or won’t? The real question is, how are you different?

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Capture StrategyJim Bender