Tapping into Expert Proposal Support
Creating excellent proposals can be especially stressful for small businesses. Let ZK Development Solutions experts take on some of your proposal tasks so you can make better use of scarce staff time. We can up your win rate with these critical consulting services
· Proposal Win Themes Brainstorm
· Proposal Compliance Matrix Prep/Compliance Check
Proposal Win Themes Brainstorm
You may have a great solution, awesome staff and the perfect capabilities for that RFP on your desk, but does your writing team really understand how to translate those into clear benefits for your customer? An expert review of how you are selling the team and your solution can help you sharpen up your language, connect it to stated and unstated customer requirements and help everyone working on your proposal speak with one compelling voice. See more about the value of win themes in this ZKDS blog post and how we have created winning proposal strategies for DHHS and other agencies.
What you get:
A one hour facilitated brainstorm where you and your leadership team come to agreement on
what is known about the customer needs, the incumbent and known competitors
how your team will respond to those needs with the technical solution, staffing and qualifications. What is your unique selling proposition and how do you tie it to client needs?
the weakness of your offer and how to mitigate any customer reservations to selecting you.
Within 24 hours we will shoot back to you a summary of the key points form that meeting and 3 to 7 draft win themes.
Based on your reactions to these themes, we will produce a final version of the win themes to use with the team.
What is needed 4 hours before the meeting:
Any background intel collected during the capture stage. A description of your company offering as it relates to this procurement as well as those of your collaborators and subcontractors. A completed SWOT analysis.
A fully executed non-disclosure agreement.
Review of your Proposal Draft
One of the greatest challenges facing any proposal team is that they understand their business well. Too well. They are so familiar with what they do and how they do it that they struggle stepping back and telling a simple and motivating story that the evaluation panel can understand and appreciate. Based on your proposal win strategy and themes, we will conduct an objective review of your proposal and point out compliance problems, where it is responsive or not, and how the case for your offer can be made more compelling. Read more about color team reviews in this ZKDS blog post.
What you get:
A thorough review of your draft proposal and a completed pink/red team evaluation form (sample here)
Participation in a up to a 90 minute color team de-brief call with your writing team, proposal manager and leadership.
What is needed 24 hours before the meeting:
The RFP, proposal outline or storyboard, compliance matrix
Relevant background intel collected during the capture stage on the buying agency, competition and client needs related to the opportunity. A description of your company offering as it relates to this procurement as well as any collaborators or subcontractors
A fully executed non-disclosure agreement.
Compliance Matrix/Compliance Check
In the rush to get together a strong proposal before the deadline it is all too easy and REALLY discouraging when you are disqualified for non-compliance with the RFP. Ultimately the government must award a contract based on the requirements described in the RFP. A compliance matrix organizes all the technical and submission specifications of the RFP, amendments and Q&A documents making it easier for your team to address each requirement.
What you get:
A summary of RFP requirements by section organized in an Excel spreadsheet that can be used by your writing team and proposal manager.
What is needed 24 hours before the matrix delivery
The RFP, amendments and Q&A
A fully executed non-disclosure agreement.